Starting December 1, 2024, all US and Canada local phone numbers used for SMS/MMS within our platform must adhere to industry standards and legal requirements by having an approved 10DLC campaign per number to continue sending SMS/MMS. Failure to comply with this industry will result in the inability to send SMS/MMS messages.
On the top right of every account, 10DLC status badges will be shown next to the phone number to indicate if the number is not registered, is pending registration, or is registered as 10DLC.
The red (or purple) badge indicates the phone number is not registered. The user can click the badge to begin registration. The user can also click on the top right menu and from the dropdown select "Number Registration."
The yellow badge indicates the phone number is pending registration, meaning that the phone number registration form was submitted. The user will be notified via email if the information submitted needs to be revised. Registration can take approximately 5 days.
The green badge indicates the phone number is registered as 10DLC. The user will be notified via email when the phone number is registered.