Use merge tags to personalize the messages sent to your contacts. For example, if you’d like to address your contacts by their first name, you’d type the tag "%FNAME%" where you’d like their first name to appear. If you do not have the information that corresponds with a merge tag that you’ve indicated in the message, nothing will appear.
- You will find the merge tags icon (
) when composing a new message, creating an appointment reminder, or sending text alerts.
- Click on the merge tags icon (
) and you will be presented with the following options:
Merge Tag Name Value Description First Name %FNAME% Use this tag where you'd like the user first name to appear. Example: "Dear %FNAME%, here's a special offer from Joe's Pizza for this weekend." Last Name %LNAME% Use this tag where you'd like the user last name to appear. Example: "Dear Mr. %LNAME%, here's a special offer from Joe's Pizza for this weekend." Gender %GENDER% Use this tag if you'd like to display the gender information on your message. Date of Birth %DOB% Use this tag if you'd like to display the date of birth information on your message. Email Address %EMAIL% Use this tag if you'd like to display the email address information on your message. Phone Number %NUMBER% Use this tag if you'd like to display the phone number information on your message. Zip Code %ZIPCODE% Use this tag if you'd like to display the zip code information on your message. Current Date %DATE% Use this tag if you'd like to display the current date information on your message. Current Date + N Days %DATE+N% Use this tag if you'd like to display the current date + a number of days on your message. - Pick the merge tags that you will like to use. They will be added to your message.
- When you're ready, send your message and the receipt will see the merge tags translate into their contact information. If you do not have the information that corresponds with a merge tag that you’ve indicated in the message, nothing will appear.