You can set up packages with different options for your clients and their needs.
- On the administration dashboard, click on "Packages."
- Click "Add New" to create a new package.
- Select from the different options provided:
- Package Name: The name that will be displayed for the package
- Subscription: The dollar amount you'd like to charge for the package subscription.
- Subscription Period: Select if you'd like to bill your subscription monthly, quarterly, or annually.
- Credits Included: The number of credits included the user will have for the subscription period. These credits are used for text alerts and tags as keyword auto-replies. These credits don't count for conversational texts.
- Rollover Credits: Select this if you'd like the user's credit to roll over into their next subscription period if they have any credits left from the current subscription period.
- Credit Overage Fee: If a user goes over their included credits, you can charge them for each credit they go over. Select the number of cents you'd like to charge them for each overage credit.
- Overdraft Limit: If a user goes over their included credits, you can allow for them to use a specific amount of overage credits. Please note that you can select how much you'd like to charge for each overage credit (see Credit Overage Fee).
- Setup Fee: The fee for setting up the account for the user. The user will only get charged on the first bill.
- Trial Period: The number of months you'd like to give the user to try the platform.
- Level: Where you'd like the package to be position in your list of packages. If you select 1 then the package will be the first on your list of packages. If you select a package with the same level as another, a window will appear to notify you.
- Sales Tax: The tax sales tax percentage you'd like to include for the subscription.
- Custom Recurring and Fee: Any extra recurring fee you'd like to charge. For example, you can type "Support" in the custom recurring box and "50" in the fee box.
- Credit Card Required: Select this if you'd like the user to enter their credit information before they can start sending messages. - Click "Save" when you're done and your package will be added to the package list.